Brief History of Poughkeepsie Alumni Chapter
Poughkeepsie Alumni Chapter was chartered in May 1968, at the Northeastern Province Meeting in New York City. Twelve able, dedicated and community conscious KAPPA MEN saw a need and endeavored to get involved. Early in the chapter’s existence a significant amount of energy was put into providing support for the youth of the community. This support came in the form of a yearly Career Day Program and Scholarship presentations. In addition, high school students were bused to a local college to gain insight into college life, matriculation requirements, financial aid opportunities, etc. In 1980, the Poughkeepsie Alumni Chapter had the pleasure of hosting the 50th Northeastern Province Meeting. Poughkeepsie Alumni continues to focus on community involvement. Annually, at Thanksgiving and Christmas, turkeys are distributed to 26 families. Also on an annual basis, the chapter donates all food and supplies as well as its time to feed 250-400 homeless individuals at the Beulah Baptist Church in the City of Poughkeepsie. In addition, the chapter has sponsored a Drug Awareness program that is done in conjunction with New York State Troopers, New York Correction Officers, and area school administrators. Poughkeepsie Alumni, which celebrated its 25th Anniversary in May 1993, is the proud recipient of the Small Chapter Reclamation Award (1992-1993) and the Guide Right Program of the Year Award (1993-1994). Under the leadership of 25 Polemarchs since the chapter’s inception, there has been total dedication to the principle and beliefs of Kappa Alpha Psi.
Our Charter Members
Brother William Kirkland Banks
Johnson C. Smith (Alpha Epsilon 1955)
Brother James Brewer Clarke
Springfield College (Camp Atwater 1955)
Brother Clarence Gittens, Ph.D.
First Polemarch
Columbia University (Omicron 1941)
(Chapter Invisible)
Brother Emmett Belford Jeter
Delaware State (Beta Sigma 1952)
Brother Luke Lucas
Claflin College (Gamma Nu 1953)
Brother Algernon Lyons
Indiana University (Alpha 1954)
(Chapter Invisible)
Brother John William Mason
North Carolina A & T University (Alpha Nu 1954)
(Chapter Invisible)
Brother John Henry Pleasants, III
(First Keeper of Records)
Hampton Institute (Beta Chi 1955)
Brother Columbus Landon Stanley
South Carolina State (Alpha Lambda 1958)
(Chapter Invisible)
Brother Ernest Lee Walker, Ph.D.
Indiana Institute of Technology (Delta Phi 1966)
Brother John Milton Watkins
Allen University (Beta Rho 1965)
(Chapter Invisible)